
Showing posts from June, 2020

Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web -- What's the Difference?

Internet is full of information. Everyone read topics according to their interest and surf whatever they like.Internet is made up of billions of devices connected together and share information all over the world. Many people don't know that internet is divided into three categories.These are SURFACE WEB , DEEP WEB and DARK WEB . So now,we are going to discuss about these three categories. SURFACE WEB This is the normal basic level of the internet, the primary entry point for most of us.It is the normal web which is visible for all users using internet.  It includes websites filled with data which is indexed by search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing,etc. All the standard normal websites you access each day reside here. But the interesting thing is that the surface web is only 4% area of internet that the users uses. DEEP WEB Moving a little deeper, deep web is that part of the web, which we or most normal people do not have access to. It is one of the hidden parts of th...

9 Things You Must Know To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

We all want to become an Entrepreneur,but do we even know what is entrepreneurship or start-ups and what anyone have to go through while getting the title of 'Entrepreneur' ?. I have discussed about 9 things which will help you to be a Entrepreneur.As you know,it takes time to be a successful entrepreneur,so it will take time to read this article thoroughly. So,sit down,relax yourself and go through all the topics one by one and do tell your views in the comment section below. OBJECTIVE  : A) What is Entrepreneurship? B) What is a Start-up? C) What are the differences between a start-up and a company? D) What are the various stages in a start-up? E) How do we get a company registered? F) How does start-up india initiative of GOI helps the Startups? G) What is an Intellectual Property Right? H) How and in what circumstances can you have /claim it? I) What are the skills that are needed for Entrepreneurship? A)  What is Entrepreneurship  ? Entrepreneurship ...


Bhagavad Gita is the most sacred, holy book of Hindus full of spiritual and intellectual knowledge. Bhagavad Gita is all over the world known for its teachings, given by Lord Krishna to warrior Arjun at the time of Mahabharata in Kurukshetra. When Arjun was confused – whether it is fair to battle with his family members (Dhritarashtra’s sons) just for the sake of the kingdom and to rule Hastinapur and whether the war between Kauravas and Pandavas be fruitful for humanity? There were many such questions and queries in Arjun’s mind .When the battle was about to commence, Arjuna and Krishna(who serves as his charioteer) steer their chariot between the two armies and suddenly all the action is suspended. It is as if time has stopped, like a moment of eternity placed in the midst of time. As his charioteer,Lord Krishna guides Arjuna with his teachings in battlefield only.  This conversation is known as Bhagavad Gita. Lord Sri Krishna summarized the entire Vedic philosophy in...