
Surface Web, Deep Web, Dark Web -- What's the Difference?

Internet is full of information. Everyone read topics according to their interest and surf whatever they like.Internet is made up of billions of devices connected together and share information all over the world. Many people don't know that internet is divided into three categories.These are SURFACE WEB , DEEP WEB and DARK WEB . So now,we are going to discuss about these three categories. SURFACE WEB This is the normal basic level of the internet, the primary entry point for most of us.It is the normal web which is visible for all users using internet.  It includes websites filled with data which is indexed by search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing,etc. All the standard normal websites you access each day reside here. But the interesting thing is that the surface web is only 4% area of internet that the users uses. DEEP WEB Moving a little deeper, deep web is that part of the web, which we or most normal people do not have access to. It is one of the hidden parts of th

9 Things You Must Know To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

We all want to become an Entrepreneur,but do we even know what is entrepreneurship or start-ups and what anyone have to go through while getting the title of 'Entrepreneur' ?. I have discussed about 9 things which will help you to be a Entrepreneur.As you know,it takes time to be a successful entrepreneur,so it will take time to read this article thoroughly. So,sit down,relax yourself and go through all the topics one by one and do tell your views in the comment section below. OBJECTIVE  : A) What is Entrepreneurship? B) What is a Start-up? C) What are the differences between a start-up and a company? D) What are the various stages in a start-up? E) How do we get a company registered? F) How does start-up india initiative of GOI helps the Startups? G) What is an Intellectual Property Right? H) How and in what circumstances can you have /claim it? I) What are the skills that are needed for Entrepreneurship? A)  What is Entrepreneurship  ? Entrepreneurship  is an act


Bhagavad Gita is the most sacred, holy book of Hindus full of spiritual and intellectual knowledge. Bhagavad Gita is all over the world known for its teachings, given by Lord Krishna to warrior Arjun at the time of Mahabharata in Kurukshetra. When Arjun was confused – whether it is fair to battle with his family members (Dhritarashtra’s sons) just for the sake of the kingdom and to rule Hastinapur and whether the war between Kauravas and Pandavas be fruitful for humanity? There were many such questions and queries in Arjun’s mind .When the battle was about to commence, Arjuna and Krishna(who serves as his charioteer) steer their chariot between the two armies and suddenly all the action is suspended. It is as if time has stopped, like a moment of eternity placed in the midst of time. As his charioteer,Lord Krishna guides Arjuna with his teachings in battlefield only.  This conversation is known as Bhagavad Gita. Lord Sri Krishna summarized the entire Vedic philosophy in the


The fight began when well known YouTuber Elvish Yadav made a video where he simmered TikTokers and he additionally referenced in the video that he has no abhor against anybody and the video is for no particular reason. In the wake of seeing the video, numerous TikTokers responded to it and one of them was Amir Siddiqui. He talked in the interest of the TikTok people group and bolstered them. He likewise referenced in the video that he isn't against anybody. When TikToker Amir Siddiqui posted a video on Instagram getting out YouTubers, Amir Siddiqui featured the solidarity of the TikTok people group and blamed YouTubers for creating comparative recordings while additionally talking down on TikTok content. He further included that his foundation pulled in more brand bargains when contrasted with YouTube and generalizing TikTok content as "cringe" was demotivating for its makers. Carry   Minati   Entry   : In a YouTube video posted on May 8, YOUTUBE V

14 Amazing facts about life you won't believe you didn't know.

Life facts are genuinely fascinating, but have you ever thought how many amazing facts are there in this world or in our life ? Probably thousands, if not more. We have put together 14 oddest and most amazing facts about life, living beings and some other cases, that were so random, they couldn't even be acclaimed to a general category. 1) Dogs feel vulnerable, when they poop,so they look to their owners for protection - which usually results in awkward staring. 2) Humans share 60% of their DNA with BANANAS. 3) Dolphins will talk to one another over the phone and can even recognise each other's voices. 4) Little spots in your vision are called eyes floater.They are microscopic fibers inside your eyes that cast shadow on your retina. 5) CROCODILES and ALLIGATORS can climb trees. 6) It would talke 1,200,000 MOSQUITOES,each sucking once,To completely drain the average human of blood. 7) If you want someone to

Be Your Own Ideal

Our plans about ourselves rarely go as we plan it. So you planned something about yourself or more specifically,you assumed a person as your ideal and you thought of becoming like him and with time,things didn't work out (like you wanted to approach your crush confidently jusk like your ideal did but you were unable to do that). And you keep on complaining about it to yourself. Now calm down because you know you can't go back in time to fix all such things which didn't worked out but guess what you can become your ideal (for sure) in future and I have figured out some practical ways (mentioned below).If you follow it on a regular basis,you are gonna celebrate in coming time. • Try to work on your soft skills like on communication skills , social skills because whenever you meet a new person,you only have few seconds to impress them . You can grab that opportunity or see someone else grabbing it. • Spend less time on social media like Facebook, Instagram, TIK TO

The 14 Things you Probably Didn't Know about Death

Death is both saddening and fascinating. We all wonder what happens after we die, but do we ever really learn as much as we can from the information we do have? It's like they say, your body is a temple, except this temple does some seriously strange things. Using your own digestive juices to eat yourself? No problem! Getting an erection when you're hanged to death? It happens! Scroll down for some really strange facts about death! When a person dies, the first sense lost is usually sight. This is followed by taste, smell and touch. Last sense to go is hearing. People can also die out of over laughter. Greek philosopher Chrysippus is an example. Brain cells die within a few minutes of the heart stopping. Skin cells can survive for up to 24 hours. Biologically you cannot die of old age. It is the inactivity that kills humans or disease brought on by age. Men who are hanged get a death erection , known as rigor erectus. A human head remains conscious for around 20 sec

Does "GOD" exists ?

  So,let's start with you.Do you believe in God ? Think a bit. Ok,so what's your decision ? Is it yes or no, Why ? Before coming to any conclusion,I will ask you, On what basis you concluded whether you believe in GOD or not ? what's your source of knowledge ? 1)Your senses 2) Bonafide book or a Bonafide person  3) by inference (three source of knowledge)  1)Most of the people take decisions on the basis of their senses. You can say we can't see God or hear anything from nature that justifies God's existence. Wait a minute,I will ask you,do you think our senses are perfect ? Can you see microorganisms ? Can you hear infrasound or ultrasound ? Here is the fact, The human eye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns in size.  And human ears can hear sounds between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. Same is the case with our other sense organs. They have certain limitations. Beyond that they are useless. 2)Now , coming to Bonafide books. There are no officia


This book is a worthy compilation of the complete work of Swami Vivekananda and aims at guiding the readers to attain self-realization which is the ultimate goal of life. Filled with illustrations and guidelines the book is both instructive and provocative enough that it makes the reader feel the sense of urgency to change their personality for better.This book teaches life's principles, the way life has to be lead, the paths to be followed and the ideals to live upon. Swamiji's messages are eternal truths Key Takeaways Covers the different layers of personality Ways of controlling negative emotions Teaches to develop a sense of equality Unfolds the power of concentration Explains why and how pleasure is not the goal.                                                                                                           SOME OF THE QUOTES NEARING THE START OF THE BOOK :                    'The world will change, if we change. If we are pure, the world will bec

"Newfound Comet SWAN could soon fizzle out of view"

During the next couple of weeks we'll have a chance of seeing a new comet as it sweeps past the sun.  The comet's name is SWAN, an acronym for the Solar Wind Anisotropies camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Officially designated as C/2020 F8, the comet was discovered by Australian amateur astronomer, Michael Mattiazzo, while exploring SWAN imagery on March 25.  Comet SWAN initially caught Mattiazzo's attention because it apparently was undergoing a sudden outburst of hydrogen gas — something that SOHO's SWAN instrument is particularly well adapted to picking up. Water ice from the comet's nucleus evaporates as the comet approaches the sun. Solar ultraviolet radiation splits up water molecules, and the liberated hydrogen atoms glow in ultraviolet light. The comet was 135 million miles (217 million kilometers) from the sun when Mattiazzo first saw it, but it will ultimately come to within 40.2 million miles (64.6 million km) of

Saturn's weird hexagon has 'sandwich-like' layers of hazy mists

There's an extensive system of haze layers in the bizarre hexagon on Saturn, a new study has found.  "Saturn's Hexagon" is a swirling maelstrom at the planet's north pole that, as its name implies, has an odd, hexagonal shape.  The hexagon is an ever-present cloud pattern that "stands" tall as an enormous, whirling tower on the planet. The phenomenon was first discovered in 1980 by NASA's Voyager spacecraft and was later on imaged in exquisite detail by the Cassini spacecraft, which orbited the planet from 2004 to 2017.  Now ina new study, scientists with the Planetary Science Group at the University of Basque Country used images from Cassini and the Hubble Space Telescope to show that Saturn's hexagon is more than just a geometric oddity. The feature has its own system of hazes layered on top of one another. In 2015, Cassini's main camera snapped high-resolution images of Saturn that revealed the hazes above the cloud