Does "GOD" exists ?

So,let's start with you.Do you believe in God ? Think a bit.
Ok,so what's your decision ?
Is it yes or no, Why ?
Before coming to any conclusion,I will ask you, On what basis you concluded whether you believe in GOD or not ?
what's your source of knowledge ?
1)Your senses
2) Bonafide book or a Bonafide person 
3) by inference
(three source of knowledge) 

1)Most of the people take decisions on the basis of their senses.
You can say we can't see God or hear anything from nature that justifies God's existence.
Wait a minute,I will ask you,do you think our senses are perfect ?
Can you see microorganisms ?
Can you hear infrasound or ultrasound ?
Here is the fact,
The human eye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns in size. 
And human ears can hear sounds between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz.
Same is the case with our other sense organs. They have certain limitations. Beyond that they are useless.

2)Now , coming to Bonafide books.
There are no official record which can prove god's existence,If we don't consider religious books then.

some of religious books are :-
Buddhism                    TIPITAKA
Christianity                  The Christian 
Hinduism                     The VEDAS and The                                        UPANISHADS
Islam                            Quran, Sunnah

Same is the case with 'bonafied person'.
But if we consider these books,then there is existence of God or supernatural powers .

3) Now, let's come to "knowledge by inference".
It refers to acquiring new knowledge from existing facts based on certain rules and see one event and you see another event, and because of your previous experiences of the world, you infer. Okay something like this must have happened in between, therefore this 
has happened. So this is called Inference.
Again,this can only be true if our senses are perfect because we study the facts from our senses.
So this can also not be totally true.
So the questions remains unanswered.
Does GOD exist ?
It's totally based on your beliefs .
Here is my perspective ;

Let's try to define the term GOD. What we have heard from our great grandparents or grandparents or our parents in our childhood is god is omnipresent,god created this universe,this world exists because God exists .

Let's try to find something that fullfill all the conditions,Think,give it a try
so did you get something ?

First — Energy

Without energy we cannot survive,we need energy at every point of time…even while writing this article. so for sure there is some kind of energy which exists which can't be explained but can be felt.

Second — Space

Think what would happen if there will be no space. Space between me and phone,space between your both eyes…even in an atom most part are vacant i.e space. What will happen if somehow we would be able to remove space between any two things…that will collapse.Now think this is a large way…what if we somehow remove space between two planets…the entire solar system will collapse.

Space and energy are everywhere…this universe exists because these two things exists.

If you believe in existence of all these,you must believe some energy and creater behind it. Because everything has its start which is created or produced via some change of energy.
I don't say you to believe on god, it all depends on you.
But just answer it, if not God who created these all and that also in a "GOLDEN RATIO" then who ?


  1. I appreciate man with whatever view you have of God.
    you asked a question in the starting of the article - Do you believe in god?

    My question is What is God?

    I asked this question because before believing in something a being must know what to believe in, because before knowing what to believe in the question is worthless that DO YOU BELIEVE IN CERTAIN STUFF OR NOT.
    As if an intelligent being believes in god it must be having his own definition of god. like its creator or creator of its surrounding it is part of and bla bla bla.

    What is your definition or imagination of God? What should it be like?

    Reading your article I have come to understand your idea of being god is being out of reach of sensory organs provided to its believer.(just kidding)
    It could not be only about sensory organs limitations man, it could also be about the fact that what if you are lacking a specific organ to detect your God.

    What if your God is your Simulator? Then there is no breakpoint of such a string simulation and you may ever sense your God.

    What if your God is a creature having higher dimensional value than the world you are living in? Then you will never be able to see its actual form or should i say you will never be able to even imagine.

    Keep your view over your definition or possible definition of God and possible form of God you believe or they believe in the form of the next article :)

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you so much for your valuable comment,I really appreciate that.
      I tried to put my knowledge looking at all the perspective that came to my mind.
      Now coming to your question "what is god"
      I tried to define god with reference to "space" and "energy".
      Regarding "concept of simulation" ,it became popular after Elon Musk statement about it and ofcourse the movie matrix which can or can't be true,but if it is true there must be a “architect” or “programmer” behind it whom we call as god.
      Now your point about "god is the creator having higher value than the world we live in"
      I will ask you about the dimensions of "space"
      space is everything in the universe beyond the top of the Earth's atmosphere – the Moon, where the GPS satellites orbit, Mars,other stars, the Milky Way, black holes, and distant quasars.
      Please do reply to this comment and tell me your views about it.
      Thank you 😊

    2. When I ask a question like what is god to myself then it means what is it, not what form it is of.
      Basic idea of god could be X who has created me and the world we see is god.
      When you know the god is X who created everything you face and meet everyday and considering his form in the form of the same stuff is our limited edition mind. If god is this then i am pretty sure the term A FORM is meaningless for such a creature / X.

      Now coming about Simulation then i believe this is more true than any universal truths. I can’t explain here why i believe so. (and it was never about Elon’s statement and i have no issue with being even a battery πŸ€“ and man the battery is just a representation of matrix not possible reality. or is it !)

      And the statement “space is everything in the universe”! i humbly say it is wrong. If
      Space is everything then nothing should exist not even SPACE itself. Thinking how!?
      Well i am not answeringπŸ˜„

      Everything in your space like you said “Earth's atmosphere – the Moon, where the GPS satellites orbit, Mars,other stars, the Milky Way, black holes, and distant quasars” πŸ˜„ can’t exist man if just space is everything.
      Space has 3 dimensional value. our brains are limited to visualizing only 3D objects I must say it’s practically impossible to even imagine what a 4D object looks like.

      Space is embedded with other dimensions and Boom we are existing. We can never ever look beyond this space because we are 3 dimensional creatures and space is itself 3D.

      What if I say, I can look at your front,back,inside your organs,your blood cell holding the same quasars you mentioned and passing through your body without the detection of your any sensory organ simultaneously. IMPOSSIBLE??? Same property you have seen in mythological Hindu God.Don’t you! (and i am not saying that they are there as such)

      Dear it is nothing for an X which has dimensional value more than your space.And it is Possible.
      This is a simple explanation of what I mean when I say God could be one having a higher dimensional value than us.

      Hope you got something!


  2. God is inside u, if u trust yourself then god exists ''

  3. Amazing content brother!
    Keep up the good work.
    Really appreciate your efforts in describing the existence of GOD.
    I'd love to read more of your stuff.

  4. Really like ur content bro.. ND appreciate ur presence of mind u choose a very unique topic and I'm agree wid ur each ND every point...
    Keep working ND keep growing....,πŸ’“πŸ˜Š

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation.keep supporting 😊

  5. Replies
    1. Much obliged😊, Please share it and follow 'My blog'.

  6. Great content keep writing.

  7. I do believe in God. But have always thought of the theory that the place where you are born determines your spirituality. I f you are born from A clan where they believe in Christianism then you are more of interest to Christianism and if vise versa in a Muslim set up then the same, but do share your thoughts.


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